Sequence |
MGT 310 Analytical Techniques in Research |
MGT 320 Philosophical Foundations of Knowledge & Research |
MGT 350 Evolution of Management Thought |
MGT355 Management as a Behavioral Science |
Qualifying Examination |
MGT358 Current Issues in Management |
MGT359 Managing Modern Business Operations |
MGT360 International Management |
MGT395 Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship |
MGT398 Directed Readings and Research |
MGT420 Special Topics in Research |
Proposal Defense |
MGT365 Economic and Financial Theory |
MGT366 Leadership and Ethics |
MGT368 Business-Government Relations |
Comprehensive Examination |
MGT499 Dissertation Research |
Dissertation Defense |
Graduation |
Course Description
Mgt 310 Analytical Techniques in Research
This course covers the principal techniques employed in conducting social science research. Topics include the design of experiments, survey research, measures of association, parametric statistics, nonparametric statistics, trend analysis, and contingency table analysis. Students will read scholarly articles employing these techniques to better understand how they are used in practice. (6 credit-hours) |
Mgt 320 Philosophical Found. of Knowledge & Research
This course is an overview of knowledge, knowledge acquisition, and the research process. The focus will be the link between research, theory, and practice. Topics include the nature of scientific revolutions, epistemology, and phenomenology. Students will review seminal thinkers such as Kuhn and Popper. |
Mgt 350 Evolution of Management Thought
Management theory has roots in the behavior sciences, including psychology, sociology, anthropology, and economics. This course will examine the contributions of the behavior sciences to management and vice versa. A special focus will be attempts to design organizations based on behavioral science principles. (6 credit-hours) |
Mgt 355 Management as a Behavioral Science
This course provides an in-depth review of managerial thought and practice throughout history. Topics include an investigation of how management thinking has reflected changing social, economic, cultural, and political circumstances organizations have faced. Theories of management will be studied from the times of Lao Tzu to the present. |
Mgt 358 Current Issues in Management
This course provides a critical review of managerial issues facing organizations today. Students will prepare papers analyzing these issues and their consequences. Special attention is directed toward various aspects of the concept of the managerial process and the roles of businesses in society. |
Mgt 359 Managing Modern Business Operations
This course surveys fundamental principles and issues in managing the modern business operation. Topics include managing quality, risks, capacity, processes, personnel, supply-chain, technology, forecasting, and aggregate planning. The theory of constraints and techniques of time-boxed and critical-chain scheduling also are covered. The key concepts of the value chain and competitive strategies are integrated throughout the course. |
Mgt 360 International Management
The focus of this course is the behaviors and functions required for successful business management in today’s challenging global environment. Topics covered include: globalism, social responsibility and ethics, cultural styles, cross-cultural communication, negotiations, international alliances, control systems for global operations, international organizations, cultural shock, diversity, global labor relations, leadership and motivation in a multicultural context. |
Mgt 365 Economic and Financial Theory
Economic and financial theories are at the foundation of modern management and business administration. This course will cover advanced topics in microeconomics, macroeconomics, and finance that affect domestic and international firms. Students will compare and contrast the original works of Nobel Prize winners in economics in addition to current interpretations. |
Mgt 366 Leadership and Ethics
This course presents a review of the history of management thought regarding leadership and ethics. Topics include the role of vision, the varying characteristics of leaders, and organizational values. The importance of managerial ethics will be addressed, informed by varying contexts of diverse cultures versus Western ideals. |
Mgt 368 Business-Government Relations
Businesses operate with considerable autonomy but within the constraints of federal, state, and local government laws and regulations. Many businesses look to government as a major customer for their goods and services. This course focuses on the complex relationships between businesses and governments, including a review of the legal environment and major trends in law and policy. |
Mgt 395 Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
This advanced course reviews the essentials of entrepreneurship, building on the fundamental concepts of technology and innovation. Topics covered include: developing entrepreneurial ideas, market opportunity analysis and marketing planning, financial planning and financing, logistics and supply-chain, patents and trademarks, and distribution strategies. The business cycle, the product life cycle, technology diffusion, and waves of creative destruction of studied in detail. |
Mgt 398 Directed Research and Readings
This doctoral level research and reading course is provided for students who have specific interests to be pursued as an independent study, with the permission and support of a faculty member. This course may be repeated. (3-9 credit-hours) |
Mgt 499 Dissertation Research
This course is limited to students who have received approval of their dissertation proposal and been promoted to the status of doctoral candidate. The product of this independent work is a dissertation that is thorough, succinct, well-reasoned, professionally presented, and defensible. This course may be repeated. (3-9 credit-hours) |